Source code for symenergy.core.model

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains the main Model class.

Part of symenergy. Copyright 2018 authors listed in AUTHORS.
import sys

from pathlib import Path
import itertools
from collections import Counter
from orderedset import OrderedSet
import pandas as pd
import sympy as sp
import wrapt
import numpy as np
import textwrap
from sympy.tensor.array import derive_by_array

from symenergy.patches.symenergy_solveset import linear_eq_to_matrix
from symenergy.assets.plant import Plant
from import Storage
from symenergy.assets.curtailment import Curtailment
from symenergy.core.constraint import Constraint
from symenergy.core.slot import Slot, SlotBlock, noneslot
from symenergy.core.parameter import Parameter
from symenergy.auxiliary.parallelization import parallelize_df
from symenergy.auxiliary.parallelization import MP_COUNTER, MP_EMA
from symenergy.auxiliary.parallelization import log_time_progress
from symenergy.auxiliary.decorators import hexdigest
from symenergy import _get_logger
from symenergy.patches.sympy_linsolve import linsolve
#from symenergy.patches.sympy_linear_coeffs import linear_coeffs
from symenergy.auxiliary.constrcomb import filter_constraint_combinations
from symenergy.auxiliary import io

logger = _get_logger(__name__)

sp.linsolve = linsolve  # Monkey-patching sympy.linsolve

if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit()

[docs]class Model: ''' Instantiate a model object. Start from here. Parameters ---------- slot_weight : float default time slot weight (hours); this instantiates a singleton parameter to avoid the definition of individual parameter for each slot; it can be overwritten for individual time slots if the weight parameter is provided constraint_filt : str see :func:`symenergy.core.model.Model.init_constraint_combinations` curtailment : bool or list of Slots, default False Allow for curtailment in each time slot (True) or in a selection of time slots. This generates a :class:`symenergy.assets.curtailment.Curtailment` instance `curt`, which defines the positive curtailment power variables `curt.p` for each of the relevant time slots. nworkers : int or False number of workers to be used for parallel model setup and solving; passed to the :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` initializer; defaults to `multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1`; if False, no multiprocessing is used ''' mutually_exclusive = { 'No power production when curtailing': (('pos_p', 'this', False), ('curt_pos_p', 'this', False)), 'No discharging when curtailing': (('pos_pdch', 'this', False), ('curt_pos_p', 'this', False)) } def __init__(self, nworkers='default', curtailment=False, slot_weight=1, constraint_filt=''): self.plants = {} self.slots = {} self.slot_blocks = {} self.storages = {} self.comps = {} self.curt = {} self._cache = None self.df_comb = None self.df_comb_invalid = None self.nworkers = nworkers self.constraint_filt = constraint_filt self._slot_weights = Parameter('w', noneslot, slot_weight) # global vre scaling parameter, set to 1; used for evaluation self.vre_scale = Parameter('vre_scale', noneslot, 1) self.noneslot = noneslot self.curtailment = curtailment self._ncomb = None # determined through construction of self.df_comb self._nress = None # number of valid results @wrapt.decorator def _update_component_list(f, self, args, kwargs): ''' Rebuild all derived model attributes. This is triggered every time a relevant change is made to the model through the public API. ''' f(*args, **kwargs) self.comps = {} self.comps.update(self.plants) self.comps.update(self.slots) self.comps.update(self.storages) self.comps.update(self.slot_blocks) if not 'curt' in self.comps and self.curtailment: logger.debug('Auto-adding curtailment') self._add_curtailment(self.slots) self.comps.update(self.curt) # aggregate all attribute collections self.parameters = sum(c.parameters._copy() for c in self.comps.values()) self.parameters.append(self.vre_scale) self.variables = sum(c.variables._copy() for c in self.comps.values()) self.constraints = sum(c.constraints._copy() for c in self.comps.values()) self._init_supply_constraints() self._init_total_cost() self.cache = io.Cache(self.get_model_hash_name()) # self._assert_slot_block_validity() self.constrs_cols_neq = self.constraints.tolist('col', is_equality_constraint=False) @wrapt.decorator def _check_component_replacement(f, self, args, kwargs): if 'name' in kwargs: name = kwargs['name'] elif args and isinstance(args[0], str): name = args[0] else: raise AttributeError('Name required for all components.') assert name not in {**self.comps, **self.slot_blocks}, ( 'A component or slot_block `%s` has already been ' 'defined.')%name return f(*args, **kwargs) @property def cache(self): if self._cache is None: raise AttributeError('Model cache not yet initialized. Please add ' 'a plant or storage asset.') return self._cache @cache.setter def cache(self, cache): self._cache = cache
[docs] @_update_component_list def freeze_parameters(self, exceptions=None): ''' Switch from variable to numerical value for all model parameters. This automatically updates the definition of all sympy expressions (total cost, lagrange, ...) Parameters ---------- exceptions : list(str) names of parameters to be excluded; corresponds to elements of the list `Model.parameters('name')` Example ------- .. code-block:: python >>> from symenery.core import model >>> m = model.Model() >>> m.add_slot('s0', load=2, vre=3) >>> m.add_plant('nuc', vc0=1, vc1=0.01) >>> print( nuc_p_s0*w_none*(nuc_p_s0*vc1_nuc_none + 2*vc0_nuc_none)/2 >>> m.freeze_parameters() >>> print( nuc_p_s0*(0.005*nuc_p_s0 + 1.0) Here only the power output variable `nuc_p_s0` is left in the equation. All other symbols (all parameters) have been substituted with their respective numerical values. Excluding parameters through the `exceptions` argument causes a partial substitution: .. code-block:: python >>> m.freeze_parameters(exceptions=['vc0_nuc_none']) >>> print( nuc_p_s0*(0.005*nuc_p_s0 + 1.0*vc0_nuc_none) ''' for param in self.parameters(): param._unfreeze_value() exceptions = [] if not exceptions else exceptions list_valid = self.parameters('name') list_invalid = set(exceptions) - set(list_valid) assert not list_invalid, ('Invalid names %s in exceptions parameter. ' 'Valid options are %s.' )%(', '.join(list_invalid), ', '.join(list_valid)) param_list = [param for param, name in self.parameters(('', 'name')) if not name in exceptions] for param in param_list: param._freeze_value()
def _assert_slot_block_validity(self): ''' If slot blocks are used, only the case with 2 blocks containing 2 slots each is implemented. ''' # adding first non-slot/non-slot_block component slots_done = (len(self.comps) - hasattr(self, 'curt') > len(self.slots) + len(self.slot_blocks)) # check validity of time slot block definition if (self.slot_blocks and ( len(self.slots) > 4 or (slots_done and len(self.slots) < 4))): raise RuntimeError('Number of time slots must be equal to 4 ' 'if time slot blocks are used.') if len(self.comps) > 0: # only when other components are added assert len(self.slot_blocks) in [0, 2], \ 'Number of slot blocks must be 0 or 2.' if self.slot_blocks and slots_done: slots_per_block = Counter(s.block for s in self.slots.values()) assert set(slots_per_block.values()) == set((2,)), \ 'Each slot block must be associated with exactly 2 slots.' @wrapt.decorator def _add_slots_to_kwargs(f, self, args, kwargs): if not 'slots' in kwargs: kwargs.update(dict(slots=self.slots)) return f(*args, **kwargs) @property def df_comb(self): if self._df_comb is not None: return self._df_comb else: raise AttributeError('Model attribute df_comb not yet defined. ' 'Construct a valid model and call ' 'Model.generate_solve() or ' 'Model.init_constraint_combinations()') @df_comb.setter def df_comb(self, df_comb): if df_comb is None: return self._df_comb = df_comb.reset_index(drop=True) if self._nress: self._nress = len(self._df_comb) else: self._ncomb = len(self._df_comb)
[docs] @_check_component_replacement def add_slot_block(self, name, repetitions): ''' Add a time slot block to the model. %s ''' self.slot_blocks.update({name: SlotBlock(name, repetitions)})
[docs] @_update_component_list @_add_slots_to_kwargs @_check_component_replacement def add_storage(self, name, *args, **kwargs): r''' Add generic storage capacity to the model. %s ''' # Storage docstring added kwargs['_slot_blocks'] = self.slot_blocks self.storages.update({name: Storage(name, **kwargs)})
[docs] @_update_component_list @_add_slots_to_kwargs @_check_component_replacement def add_plant(self, name, *args, **kwargs): r''' Add a dispatchable power plant to the model. %s ''' # Plant docstring added self.plants.update({name: Plant(name, **kwargs)})
# note: no _update_component_list since slots alone make no model
[docs] @_check_component_replacement def add_slot(self, name, *args, **kwargs): ''' Add a time slot to the model. %s ''' if 'block' in kwargs: bk = kwargs['block'] assert bk in self.slot_blocks, 'Unknown block %s'%bk kwargs['block'] = self.slot_blocks[bk] elif self.slot_blocks: raise RuntimeError(('Error in `add_slot(%s)`: If any of the slots ' 'are assigned to a block, all slots must be.' )%name) if not 'weight' in kwargs: # use default weight parameter kwargs['weight'] = self._slot_weights self.slots.update({name: Slot(name, **kwargs)})
[docs] @_update_component_list def add_curtailment(self, slots): ''' Add curtailment to the model. Must specify the time slots. This method is only used if curtailment is defined for a subset of time slots. Use the model parameter `curtailment=True` to enable curtailment globally. Parameters ---------- slots : list list of time slot names, e.g. ``['day', 'night']`` ''' if self.curtailment: raise RuntimeError('Cannot manually add curtailment if model ' 'level curtailment is True.') self._add_curtailment(slots)
def _add_curtailment(self, slots): logger.debug('_add_curtailment with slots=%s'%str(slots)) if not isinstance(slots, (dict)): slots = {slot: self.slots[slot] for slot in slots} self.curt.update({'curt': Curtailment('curt', slots=slots)}) def _init_total_cost(self): ''' Generate total cost and base lagrange attributes. Collects all cost components to calculate their total sum `tc`. Adds the equality constraints to the model's total cost to generate the base lagrange function `_lagrange_0`. Costs and constraint expression of all components are re-initialized. This is important in case parameter values are frozen. ''' comp_list = list(self.plants.values()) + list(self.storages.values()) for comp in comp_list: comp._init_cost_component() comp._reinit_all_constraints() eq_cstrs = self.constraints.tolist('expr', is_equality_constraint=True) = sum( for p in comp_list) self._lagrange_0 = + sum(eq_cstrs) # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= def _supply_cstr_expr_func(self, slot): ''' Initialize the load constraints for a given time slot. Note: this accesses all plants, therefore method of the model class. ''' total_chg = sum(store.pchg[slot] for store in self.storages.values() if slot in store.pchg) total_dch = sum(store.pdch[slot] for store in self.storages.values() if slot in store.pdch) equ = (slot.l.symb + total_chg - total_dch - sum(plant.p[slot] for plant in self.plants.values())) if self.curt and slot in self.curt['curt'].p: equ += self.curt['curt'].p[slot] if hasattr(slot, 'vre'): equ -= slot.vre.symb * self.vre_scale.symb return slot.w.symb * equ def _init_supply_constraints(self): ''' Defines a dictionary cstr_load {slot: supply constraint} ''' for slot in self.slots.values(): cstr = Constraint('supply', expr_func=self._supply_cstr_expr_func, slot=slot, is_equality_constraint=True, expr_args=(slot,), self.constraints.append(cstr) # ============================================================================= # =============================================================================
[docs] def generate_solve(self): ''' Initialize the constraint combinations, generate the problems, and solve. This calls the following methods: - `Model.init_constraint_combinations()` - `Model.define_problems()` - `Model.solve_all()` - `Model.filter_invalid_solutions()` - `Model.generate_total_costs()` - `Model.cache.write(Model.df_comb)` ''' if self.cache.file_exists: self.df_comb = self.cache.load() else: self.init_constraint_combinations(self.constraint_filt) self.define_problems() self.solve_all() self.filter_invalid_solutions() self.generate_total_costs() self.cache.write(self.df_comb)
def _get_model_mutually_exclusive_cols(self): ''' Expand model `_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE` to plants and time slots. The initial list of constraint combinations is filtered only according to constraint combinations within each component separately (component `_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE` dictionaries). Here, additional constraint combinations from different components are removed. Assuming only `'this'` as slottype. TODO: Integrate with constrcomb.CstrCombBase or derived class thereof. ''' list_col_names = [] dict_struct = {('comp_name', 'base_name'): {('slot',): ''}} cstrs_all = self.constraints.to_dict(dict_struct=dict_struct) for mename, me in self.mutually_exclusive.items(): # expand to all components me_exp = [tuple((cstrs, name_cstr[0], me_slct[-1]) for name_cstr, cstrs in cstrs_all.items() if name_cstr[1].endswith(me_slct[0])) for me_slct in me] # all components of the combination's two constraints # for example, ('n', 'g'), 'curt' --> ('n', curt), ('g', curt) me_exp = list(itertools.product(*me_exp)) # remove double components, also: remove component names me_exp = [tuple((cstr[0], cstr[2]) for cstr in cstrs) for cstrs in me_exp if not cstrs[0][1] == cstrs[1][1]] me_exp = [tuple({slot: (cstr, cstrs[1]) for slot, cstr in cstrs[0].items()} for cstrs in cstr_comb) for cstr_comb in me_exp] # split by time slots for existing time slots me_exp = [(cstr_comb[0][slot], cstr_comb[1][slot]) for cstr_comb in me_exp for slot in self.slots.values() if all(slot in cc for cc in cstr_comb)] # switch from constraint objects to column names me_exp = [tuple((cstr[0].col, cstr[1]) for cstr in cstrs) for cstrs in me_exp] list_col_names += me_exp return list_col_names
[docs] def init_constraint_combinations(self, constraint_filt=None): ''' Generates dataframe `model.df_comb` with constraint combinations. 1. Obtains relevant constraint combinations from components (see :func:`symenergy.core.component.Component._get_constraint_combinations`) 2. Generates table corresponding to the full cross-product of all component constraint combinations. 3. Filters constraint combinations according to the :attr:`model.mutually_exclusive` class attribute. This function initilizes the `symenergy.df_comb` attribute Parameters ---------- constraint_filt : str :func:`pandas.DataFrame.query` string to filter the constraint activation columns of the `df_comb` dataframe. A list of relevant column names of a model object `m` can be retrieved through ``m.constraints('col', is_equality_constraint=False)`` ''' list_dfcomb = [] for comp in self.comps.values(): list_dfcomb.append(comp._get_constraint_combinations()) list_dfcomb = [df for df in list_dfcomb if not df.empty] dfcomb = pd.DataFrame({'dummy': 1}, index=[0]) for df in list_dfcomb: dfcomb = pd.merge(dfcomb, df.assign(dummy=1), on='dummy', how='outer')'Length of merged df_comb: %d'%len(dfcomb)) # filter according to model mutually_exclusive'*'*30 + 'model filtering' + '*'*30) model_mut_excl_cols = self._get_model_mutually_exclusive_cols() dfcomb = filter_constraint_combinations(dfcomb, model_mut_excl_cols) self.df_comb = dfcomb.drop('dummy', axis=1) if constraint_filt: self.df_comb = self.df_comb.query(constraint_filt) self._ncomb = len(self.df_comb)'Remaining df_comb rows: %d' % self._ncomb) # get index self.df_comb = self.df_comb[[c for c in self.df_comb.columns if not c == 'idx']].reset_index() self.df_comb = self.df_comb.rename(columns={'index': 'idx'})
# # def get_variabs_params(self): # ''' # Generate lists of parameters and variables. # # Gathers all parameters and variables from its components. # This is needed for the definition of the linear equation system. # ''' # ## self.params = {par: comp ## for comp in self.comps.values() ## for par in comp.get_params_dict()} # # # add time-dependent variables ## self.variabs = {var: comp ## for comp in self.comps.values() ## for var in comp.get_variabs()} # # # parameter multips ## self.multips = {cstr.mlt: comp for cstr, comp in self.constrs.items()} # # supply multips ## self.multips.update({cstr.mlt: slot ## for slot, cstr in self.cstr_supply.items()}) # ============================================================================= # Various solver-related methods # ============================================================================= def _solve(self, x): # substitute variables with binding positivitiy constraints cpos = self.constraints.tolist(('col', ''), is_positivity_constraint=True) subs_zero = {cstr.expr_0: sp.Integer(0) for col, cstr in cpos if x[cstr.col]} mat = derive_by_array(x.lagrange, x.variabs_multips) mat = sp.Matrix(mat).expand() mat = mat.subs(subs_zero) variabs_multips_slct = list(OrderedSet(x.variabs_multips) - OrderedSet(subs_zero)) A, b = linear_eq_to_matrix(mat, variabs_multips_slct) MP_COUNTER.increment() solution_0 = sp.linsolve((A, b), variabs_multips_slct) if isinstance(solution_0, sp.sets.EmptySet): return None else: # init with zeros solution_dict = dict.fromkeys(x.variabs_multips, sp.Integer(0)) # update with solutions solution_dict.update(dict(zip(variabs_multips_slct, list(solution_0)[0]))) solution = tuple(solution_dict.values()) return solution def _wrapper_call_solve_df(self, df, *args): name, ntot = 'Solve', self._ncomb return log_time_progress(self._call_solve_df)(self, df, name, ntot) def _call_solve_df(self, df): ''' Applies to dataframe. ''' return df.apply(self._solve, axis=1).tolist()
[docs] def solve_all(self):'Solving') if __name__ == '__main__': x = self.df_comb.iloc[0] if not self.nworkers: self.df_comb['result'] = self._call_solve_df(self.df_comb) else: func = self._wrapper_call_solve_df self.df_comb['result'] = parallelize_df(self.df_comb, func, nworkers=self.nworkers)
# ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= def _subs_total_cost(self, x): ''' Substitutes solution into TC variables. This expresses the total cost as a function of the parameters. ''' res, var = x.result, x.variabs_multips dict_var = {var: res[ivar] if not isinstance(res, sp.sets.EmptySet) else np.nan for ivar, var in enumerate(var)} MP_COUNTER.increment() return def _call_subs_tc(self, df): return df.apply(self._subs_total_cost, axis=1) def _wrapper_call_subs_tc(self, df, *args): name = 'Substituting total cost' ntot = self._nress return log_time_progress(self._call_subs_tc)(self, df, name, ntot)
[docs] def generate_total_costs(self): ''' Substitute result variable expressions into total costs. This adds an additional total cost column ``'tc'`` to the :attr:`symenergy.core.model.Model.df_comb` table. The total cost is calculated by substituting the solutions for all variables into the total cost expression ```` (for each constraint combination). The execution is parallelized. The ``Model.nworkers`` attribute defines the number of workers for multiprocessing. ''''Generating total cost expressions...') df = self.df_comb[['result', 'variabs_multips', 'idx']] if not self.nworkers: self.df_comb['tc'] = self._call_subs_tc(df) else: func = self._wrapper_call_subs_tc self.df_comb['tc'] = parallelize_df(df, func, nworkers=self.nworkers)
# ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= def _construct_lagrange(self, row): lagrange = self._lagrange_0 active_cstrs = row[row == 1].index.values lagrange += sum(expr for col, expr in self.constraints.tolist(('col', 'expr')) if col in active_cstrs) MP_COUNTER.increment() return lagrange def _call__construct_lagrange(self, df): ''' Top-level method for parallelization of _construct_lagrange. ''' return df.apply(self._construct_lagrange, axis=1).tolist() def _wrapper_call__construct_lagrange(self, df, *args): name = 'Construct lagrange' ntot = self._ncomb return log_time_progress(self._call__construct_lagrange )(self, df, name, ntot) # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= def _get_variabs_multips_slct(self, lagrange): ''' Returns all relevant variables and multipliers for this model. Starting from the complete set of variables and multipliers, they are filtered depending on whether they occur in a specific lagrange function. Parameters: * lagrange -- sympy expression; lagrange function Return values: * variabs_slct -- * variabs_time_slct -- * multips_slct -- ''' lfs = lagrange.free_symbols MP_COUNTER.increment() list_vm = [ss for ss in lfs if ss in self.variables.tolist('symb') + self.constraints.tolist('mlt')] return sorted(list_vm, key=str) def _call_get_variabs_multips_slct(self, df): # res = list(map(self.get_variabs_multips_slct, df)) return df.apply(self._get_variabs_multips_slct) def _wrapper_call_get_variabs_multips_slct(self, df, *args): name = 'Get variabs/multipliers' ntot = self._ncomb func = self._call_get_variabs_multips_slct return log_time_progress(func)(self, df, name, ntot) # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= def fix_linear_dependencies(self, x): ''' All solutions showing linear dependencies are set to zero. See doc of symenergy.core.model.Model._get_mask_linear_dependencies ''' MP_COUNTER.increment() if __name__ == '__main__': x = self.df_comb.iloc[0] if x.code_lindep == 0: list_res_new = x.result elif x.code_lindep == 3: list_res_new = x.result elif x.code_lindep == 1: list_res = x.result list_var = x.variabs_multips collect = {} list_res_new = [res for res in list_res] for nres, res in enumerate(list_res): free_symbs = [var for var in list_var if var in res.free_symbols] if free_symbs: list_res_new[nres] = sp.numbers.Zero() for res in list_res_new: res.subs(dict.fromkeys(free_symbs, sp.numbers.Zero())) collect[list_var[nres]] = ', '.join(map(str, free_symbs)) if collect: logger.debug('idx=%d'%x.idx) for res, var in collect.items(): logger.debug((' Solution for %s contained variabs ' '%s.')%(res, var)) else: raise ValueError('code_lindep must be 0, 3, or 1') return list_res_new def _call_fix_linear_dependencies(self, df): return df.apply(self.fix_linear_dependencies, axis=1) def _wrapper_call_fix_linear_dependencies(self, df, *args): name = 'Fix linear dependencies' ntot = self._nress func = self._call_fix_linear_dependencies return log_time_progress(func)(self, df, name, ntot) # ============================================================================= # =============================================================================
[docs] def define_problems(self): ''' For each combination of constraints, define * the Lagrange functions (new column *lagrange* in the ``df_comb`` table) * the endogenous (dependent) variables and multipliers (new column *variabs_multips* in the ``df_comb`` table) ''''Defining lagrangians...') df = self.df_comb[self.constrs_cols_neq] if not self.nworkers: self.df_comb['lagrange'] = self._call__construct_lagrange(df) else: func = self._wrapper_call__construct_lagrange nworkers = self.nworkers self.df_comb['lagrange'] = parallelize_df(df, func, nworkers=nworkers)'Getting selected variables/multipliers...') df = self.df_comb.lagrange if not self.nworkers: self.list_variabs_multips = self._call_get_variabs_multips_slct(df) self.df_comb['variabs_multips'] = self.list_variabs_multips else: func = self._wrapper_call_get_variabs_multips_slct nworkers = self.nworkers self.df_comb['variabs_multips'] = parallelize_df(df, func, nworkers=nworkers)
def _get_mask_empty_solution(self): ''' Infeasible solutions are empty. ''' mask_empty = self.df_comb.result.isnull() return mask_empty
[docs] def _get_mask_linear_dependencies(self): ''' Solutions of problems containing linear dependencies. In case of linear dependencies SymPy returns solutions containing variables which we are actually solving for. To fix this, we differentiate between two cases: 0. No dependencies 1. All corresponding solutions belong to the same component. Overspecification occurs if the variables of the same component depend on each other but are all zero. E.g. charging, discharging, and stored energy in the case of storage. They are set to zero. 2. Linear dependent variables belonging to different components. This occurs if the model is underspecified, e.g. if it doesn't matter which component power is used. Then the solution can be discarded without loss of generality. All cases will still be captured by other constraint combinations. 3. Different components but same component classes. If multiple idling storage plants are present, their mulitpliers show linear dependencies. Returns ------- code_lindep : pandas.Series Series with same length as ``df_comb`` with linear dependency codes as defined above ''' res_vars = self.df_comb[['result', 'variabs_multips', 'idx']].copy() # map variable/multiplier -> component dict_vm_cp = {**self.variables.to_dict({('symb',): 'comp_name'}), **self.constraints.to_dict({('mlt', ): 'comp_name'})} dict_vm_cp = {vm: self.comps[cp] for vm, cp in dict_vm_cp.items()} # map variable/multipler -> component class dict_vm_cl = {vm: cp.__class__ for vm, cp in dict_vm_cp.items()} return_series = lambda *args: pd.Series(args, index=['ncompunq', 'nclassunq']) # for each individual solution, get residual variables/multipliers def get_residual_vars(x): if __name__ == '__main__': x = res_vars.iloc[0] varmlt = x.variabs_multips result = x.result # identify free variables/multipliers in results resvars = [r.free_symbols & set(varmlt) for r in result] # add the corresponding solution variable to all non-empty sets resvars = [rv | {vm} for rv, vm in zip(resvars, varmlt) if rv] if not resvars: return return_series(0, 0) # get components corresponding to symbols (unique for each result) rescomps = [set(map(lambda x: dict_vm_cp[x], rv)) for rv in resvars] # maximum number of distinct components ncompunq = max(map(len, rescomps)) # get classes corresponding to symbols (unique for each result) resclass = [set(map(lambda x: dict_vm_cl[x], rv)) for rv in resvars] # maximum number of distinct classes nclassunq = max(map(len, resclass)) return return_series(ncompunq, nclassunq) max_cnt = res_vars.apply(get_residual_vars, axis=1) # generate lindep codes max_cnt['code_lindep'] = 0 mask_1 = (max_cnt.ncompunq < 2) & (max_cnt.ncompunq > 0) max_cnt.loc[mask_1, 'code_lindep'] = 1 mask_2 = (max_cnt.ncompunq >= 2) & (max_cnt.nclassunq >= 2) max_cnt.loc[mask_2, 'code_lindep'] = 2 mask_3 = (max_cnt.ncompunq >= 2) & (max_cnt.nclassunq <= 1) max_cnt.loc[mask_3, 'code_lindep'] = 3 return max_cnt.code_lindep
[docs] def filter_invalid_solutions(self): ''' Analyzes the model result expressions to filter invalid rows. This method modifies and shortens the ``Model.df_comb`` table. * Identify empty solutions as returned by the linsolve method * Remove empty solutions from ``Model.df_comb``. Invalid solutions are kept in the ``Model.df_comb_invalid`` dataframe. * Analyze and classify remaining solutions with respect to linear dependencies of solutions (:func:`symenergy.core.model.Model._get_mask_linear_dependencies`). * Fix results with fixable linear dependencies. ''' mask_empty = self._get_mask_empty_solution() ncomb0 = len(self.df_comb) nempty = mask_empty.sum() shareempty = nempty / ncomb0 * 100'Number of empty solutions: ' '{:d} ({:.1f}%)'.format(nempty, shareempty)) # keep empty solutions constraint combinations for post-analysis self.df_comb_invalid = self.df_comb.loc[mask_empty, self.constrs_cols_neq] # remove invalid constraint combinations self.df_comb = self.df_comb.loc[-mask_empty] # get info on linear combinations mask_lindep = self._get_mask_linear_dependencies() ncomb0 = len(self.df_comb) nkey1, nkey2, nkey3 = ((mask_lindep == 1).sum(), (mask_lindep == 2).sum(), (mask_lindep == 3).sum()) logger.warning(('Number of solutions with linear dependencies: ' 'Key 1: {:d} ({:.1f}%), Key 2: {:d} ({:.1f}%), Key 3: {:d} ({:.1f}%)' ).format(nkey1, nkey1/ncomb0*100, nkey2, nkey2/ncomb0*100, nkey3, nkey3/ncomb0*100)) self.df_comb['code_lindep'] = mask_lindep self.df_comb = self.df_comb.loc[-(self.df_comb.code_lindep == 2)] self._nress = len(self.df_comb) # adjust results for single-component linear dependencies if not self.nworkers: self.df_comb['result'] = \ self._call_fix_linear_dependencies(self.df_comb) else: func = self._wrapper_call_fix_linear_dependencies nworkers = self.nworkers self.df_comb['result'] = parallelize_df(self.df_comb, func, nworkers=nworkers)
[docs] def get_results_dict(self, idx, df=None, slct_var_mlt=None, substitute=None, diff=None, diff_then_subs=True): ''' Get dictionary with `{variable_name: result_expression}`. Apply substitutions or derivatives with respect to a parameter. Parameters ---------- idx : int index of the constraint combination for which the results are to be returned df : df DataFrame containing the results and the index; defaults to the model's `df_comb` table substitute : dict substitutions to be performed prior to expression simplification; main use case: setting the energy cost parameter ``ec`` of the storage class to zero. slct_var_mlt : list of str list of variable or multiplier names; must be a subset of `set(m.variables('name')) | set(map(str, m.constraints('mlt')))` diff : name or sympy.symbol.Symbol parameter name or symbol for differentiation diff_then_subs : bool If True, first differentiate expressions, then substitute values; defaults to True The input DataFrame must have the following columns: * `variabs_multips`: iterable of variable and multiplier symbols for which the results are to be printed * `result`: list of expressions corresponding for each of the `variabs_multips` symbols ''' name_to_symb = self.parameters.to_dict({'name': 'symb'}) if diff: assert isinstance(diff, (sp.symbol.Symbol, str)), \ f'diff must be SymPy symbol or string, got {type(diff)}' if isinstance(diff, str): assert diff in name_to_symb, f'Unknown parameter name "{diff}"' diff = name_to_symb[diff] if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): df = self.df_comb assert idx in set(df.idx), \ f'get_results_dict: idx={idx} not found in df' if not substitute: substitute = {} def sanitize_subs(par): if isinstance(par, str): assert par in name_to_symb,\ f'Unknown parameter name "{par}"' return name_to_symb[par] else: assert par in name_to_symb.values(),\ f'Unknown parameter symbol "{par}"' return par substitute = {sanitize_subs(par): val for par, val in substitute.items()} x = df.loc[lambda x: x.idx == idx].iloc[0] resdict = dict(sorted(zip(map(str, x.variabs_multips), x.result))) if slct_var_mlt: resdict = {var: res for var, res in resdict.items() if var in slct_var_mlt} def finalize(diff, diff_then_subs, substitute): if diff and not diff_then_subs: fin = lambda res: sp.diff(res.subs(substitute), diff) elif diff and diff_then_subs: fin = lambda res: sp.diff(res, diff).subs(substitute) else: fin = lambda res: res.subs(substitute) return lambda res: sp.simplify(fin(res)) return {var: finalize(diff, diff_then_subs, substitute)(res) for var, res in resdict.items()}
[docs] def print_results(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Print result expressions for all variables and multipliers for a certain constraint combination index. Parameters are passed to :func:`symenergy.core.model.Model.get_results_dict` ''' resdict = self.get_results_dict(*args, **kwargs) for var, res in resdict.items(): print('*'*20, var, '*'*20) print(res)
def __repr__(self): ret = str(self.__class__) return ret def print_mutually_exclusive_post(self, logging=False): print_func = if logging else print dfiv = self.df_comb_invalid dfvl = self.df_comb[self.df_comb_invalid.columns] tot_list_excl = [] ncols = 3 for ncols in range(2, len(dfvl.columns)): print_func('ncols=%d'%ncols) for slct_cols in tuple(itertools.combinations(dfvl.columns, ncols)): get_combs = lambda df: (df[list(slct_cols)].drop_duplicates() .apply(tuple, axis=1).tolist()) vals_dfiv_slct = get_combs(dfiv) vals_dfvl_slct = get_combs(dfvl) # any in dfvl vals_remain = [comb for comb in vals_dfiv_slct if not comb in vals_dfvl_slct] if vals_remain: list_exc = [tuple(zip(*colvals)) for colvals in list(zip([slct_cols] * ncols, vals_remain))] # check not superset of tot_list_excl elements list_exc = [comb for comb in list_exc if not any(set(comb_old).issubset(set(comb)) for comb_old in tot_list_excl)] if list_exc: print_func(list_exc) tot_list_excl += list_exc def draw_slots(self, graphwidth=70): slotlist = [(slotname, slot.l.value, slot.vre.value) for slotname, slot in self.slots.items()] maxlen = len(max([slot[0] for slot in slotlist], key=len)) maxpwr = max(itertools.chain.from_iterable(slot[1:] for slot in slotlist)) ljust_all = lambda lst, newlen: [(x[0].ljust(newlen),) + x[1:] for x in lst] slotlist = ljust_all(slotlist, maxlen + 1) slotlist = [(slotname, round(l / maxpwr * graphwidth), round(vre / maxpwr * graphwidth)) for slotname, l, vre in slotlist] bar = lambda l, vre: ((l - vre) * "\u2588" + vre * "\u2591") slotlist = [(name, bar(l, vre).ljust(graphwidth)) for name, l, vre in slotlist] for slotbar, slotobj in zip(slotlist, self.slots.values()): slot, bar = slotbar data = 'l={:.1f}/vre={:.1f}'.format(slotobj.l.value, slotobj.vre.value) print(slot, bar, data, sep=' | ', end='\n', flush=True) @hexdigest def get_model_hash_name(self): hash_input = ''.join(comp._get_hash_name() for comp in self.comps.values()) hash_input += str(self._lagrange_0) hash_input += self.constraint_filt return hash_input
# add component class docs to the component adder docstrings for addermethod, compclass in [(Model.add_storage, Storage), (Model.add_plant, Plant), (Model.add_slot, Slot), (Model.add_slot_block, SlotBlock)]: doc = addermethod.__doc__ classdoc = textwrap.dedent(compclass.__doc__) lines = doc.split('\n') ind = min(len(line) - len(line.strip(' ')) for line in lines if not line == '') classdoc = textwrap.indent(classdoc, ' ' * ind) addermethod.__doc__ = doc % classdoc