The evaluator package (symenergy.evaluator)

The evaluator class (symenergy.evaluator.evaluator.Evaluator)

Evaluator class initialization

class symenergy.evaluator.evaluator.Evaluator(model: symenergy.core.model.Model, x_vals: dict, drop_non_optimum=False, tolerance=1e-09)[source]

Evaluates model results for selected parameter values.

  • model (symenergy.core.model.Model) – SymEnergy model instance
  • x_vals (dict) – dictionary {parameter_instance_0: iterable_of_values}
  • drop_non_optimum (bool) – if False, also keeps constraint combinations associated with non-optimal constraints
  • tolerance (float) – absolute tolerance for constraint evaluation to allow for numerical inaccuracies


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from symenergy.core.model import Model
>>> from symenergy.evaluator.evaluator import Evaluator

>>> m = Model(curtailment=True)
>>> m.add_slot(name='day', load=4500, vre=4500)
>>> m.add_plant(name='n', vc0=10, vc1=1, capacity=3500)
>>> m.add_plant(name='g', vc0=90, vc1=10)
>>> m.generate_solve()

>>> x_vals = {m.vre_scale: np.linspace(0, 1, 51),
              m.comps['n'].C: [0, 1000, 3000]}
>>> ev = Evaluator(m, x_vals=x_vals)

The attribute ev.df_x_vals is a table with all parameter value combinations:

>>> ev.df_x_vals
     vre_scale_none  C_n_none
0              0.00         0
1              0.00      1000
2              0.00      3000
3              0.02         0
4              0.02      1000

The methods

are used to perform the actual evaluation.

Method get_evaluated_lambdas_parallel


For each model variable and constraint combination, generate a function evaluated by all constant parameter values, but not by the varied values of the x_vals table. This results in a DataFrame attribute df_lam_func, which is subsequently used (symenergy.evaluator.evaluator.Evaluator.expand_to_x_vals_parallel()) to generate the numerical values for variables and multipliers.

Continuing the example from symenergy.evaluator.evaluator.Evaluator:

>>> import inspect
>>> ev.cache_lambd.delete()
>>> ev.get_evaluated_lambdas_parallel()
>>> func = (ev.df_lam_func.set_index(['idx', 'func'])
                          .loc[(4, 'g_p_day')]
>>> print(inspect.getsource(func))

def _ef0ba06865119477ac40bc0b40038a25(vre_scale_none,C_n_none):
    return(-C_n_none - 4500*vre_scale_none + 4500)

In the example above the generated example function thus depends on the parameters with names vre_scale_none and C_n_none (the model VRE scale and the power plant capacity, as specified through the x_vals attribute).

Note: The DataFrame ev.df_lam_func is typically only used internally. Instead, access the tables

  • Model.df_comb to obtain the result expressions for the model variables
  • Evaluator.df_exp to obtain the fully evaluated numerical solutions

Method expand_to_x_vals_parallel


Generates generates a table indexed by:

  • model variable/multiplier (column func)
  • constraint combination (columns idx)
  • varied parameters (columns specified by the list Evaluator.x_name)

with all numerically evaluated values of functions and multipliers.

Other key columns are:

  • lambd numerical value
  • is_optimum: boolean; if Evaluator was initialized with drop_non_optimum=True, all non-optimal rows are dropped
  • mask_valid: indicates whether the constraint combination yields valid results under the corresponding parameter values; see documentation section Theoretical discussion of the minimal example for explanations on infeasible constraint combinations by parameter values.

Continuing the example from symenergy.evaluator.evaluator.Evaluator.get_evaluated_lambdas_parallel():

>>> ev.expand_to_x_vals_parallel()
>>> (ev.df_exp.query('is_optimum')
       .set_index(['func', 'idx'] + ev.x_name)[
               ['lambd', 'is_optimum', 'mask_valid']]).head()

                                           lambd  is_optimum  mask_valid
func          idx vre_scale_none C_n_none
curt_p_day    1   1.0            0           0.0        True        True
g_p_day       1   1.0            0           0.0        True        True
n_p_day       1   1.0            0           0.0        True        True
pi_supply_day 1   1.0            0           0.0        True        True
curt_p_day    2   0.0            0           0.0        True        True

Note: Under some circumstances the serial evaluation is overall faster than the parallel approach. Serial evaluation is obtained by setting the SymEnergy multiprocessing nworkers parameter to None:

>>> from symenergy.auxiliary.parallelization import multiproc_params
>>> multiproc_params('nworkers') = None

Plotting classes (symenergy.evaluator.plotting)

The Evaluator sub-package provides a convenient way to generate interactive energy balance plot arrays in dependence on selected parameters.:q